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What Are Platelets and How Can They Help Your Injury Heal?

What Are Platelets and How Can They Help Your Injury Heal?

Medical professionals offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to treat a wide range of concerns, from tendinitis to sports injuries to hair loss. 

Like many people, you may ask yourself: What are platelets, and how can they heal my injury?

At our practice in Coral Gables, Florida, podiatrist Dr. Richard Hochman, uses innovative treatments and therapies to improve foot health and healing. 

An expert in precision medicine and advanced wound care, Dr. Hochman has a good understanding of the healing powers of platelets and uses PRP injections to improve and accelerate the body’s repair process.

Read on to learn more about platelets and how they help heal injuries.

About platelets

Platelets are the body’s first responders. When you have an injury or cut, you bleed, indicating damage to a blood vessel. This injury sends out a signal that mobilizes the platelets.

These tiny cells rush to the scene of the injury and band together, growing tentacles that help them stick together. Activation of the platelets signals the body to send more of the tiny cells to the area. The additional platelets clump together, forming a blood clot that stops the bleeding.

But these tiny cells do more than plug breaches in your blood vessels. They also initiate healing of the injury. 

The healing power of platelets

Researchers are still learning about platelets and the mechanisms behind their healing power. However, they theorize that when activated, the platelets release specialized proteins that stimulate and recruit the cells involved in the healing process, including stem cells.

Stem cells are the body’s undifferentiated cells — blank cells — that transform into the specialized cells like blood cells, muscle cells, or nerve cells necessary to repair the damage.

Poor circulation to injuries may limit the delivery of the healing elements to the injured tissue, delaying the healing process. We use PRP to support and accelerate the repair of injuries, helping you get better faster.

PRP is a medical treatment we create from a sample of your blood. It has a high concentration of platelets, which we inject directly into injured tissue. 

Can PRP help me?

We use PRP injections to treat many injuries and conditions like Achilles tendon injuries and ankle sprains.

We perform a thorough evaluation to determine the best treatment for your injury, taking into account your overall health, the location of your injury, and whether it’s acute or chronic. Injury treatment may start with medical interventions like physical therapy and anti-inflammatories.

If we think platelets can help heal your injury, we talk to you about PRP injections and how they might benefit you. 

PRP injections activate the body’s inflammatory process needed for healing. You must stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs before and after the injections for a set period of time in order to gain the most benefits.

Do you have a foot or ankle injury that’s keeping you from doing the things you love? Are you searching for a treatment that can help you get back to your life sooner rather than later? 

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hochman in Coral Gables, Florida, by calling us today or requesting an appointment online to learn how PRP can help you.

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